Sunday, 10 June 2007

I´ve done a week already?!

I have sooo done Rio now, and most of it on foot, the scary buses dump in the middle of nowhere without the aid of a ´you are here´map at the stop (or time table) and as most of the roads are one way you ain't got a hope in hell of finding out where the return stop is, so with my trusty map I have found myself walking the streets of Centro, Catedral de sáo Sebastiao is the ugliest mother I have ever seen, not that I´d tell the locals, they seem to like it, walked upto the highest point on the main town (in flip flops, I have lost most of the skin from in between my toes, I shit you not at least five layers), the views where cool, shame my main objective remains unfulfilled as the museum was closed, even tho it was within the opening hours, my own fault for trying to get a bit of culture in.
After that failure of a day I decide to hit the bar, met some great guys while I´ve been here, included some dudes just in from South Africa who I did a 4 hour trek around town and the lagoon with this week (4 hours on a bike, I am so good).
Although I have failed miserably to get to see the culture of these beautiful people I think I have got the main points down. These guys love their arse, whether its on the beach in a g-string or in the town at night shaking it!! If you´ve got it flaunt it, if you ain't flaunt it anyway, they dont discriminate on any arse, although oddly enough they dont go topless on the beaches.
I have sampled the local tipple of Sugar Cain Rum, the stuff is lethal, I had a day in bed from it, but oh the fun. Been to my 1st Street party in Lapa, 6 million Rio natives claim back the streets, roads and where ever the hell else they feel like, it doesn't start till around midnight then the men, woman and children (and yes I mean small kids) got out to party, music, dancing and a lot of drinking later you find you´re arse crawling back home with the sun coming up - its a wicked cool way to spend your Friday night.
bye for now

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