Friday, 22 June 2007

Do you really want to know what I`ve been doing?

Ola peeps, hope you`re all fine and dandy.

I left Rio and Brazil (honesty, for good this time, got my exit stamp and everything :)), and have stopped off a few days in Iguazù falls, Argentina.
Yep those ones like in the books Michelle.
Flew in yesterday after major problems with one of the Brazilian airlines, change flight, delayed flight, no crew, get off at some random airport and wait around for 2 hours why we wait for them.

Well rocked up to my new digs last night, 1st time I`ve had to get my sleeping bag liner out of my bag after I pulled back the sheets and noticed stains on them - nothing but nothing but that silk is touching this skin here baby!
Booked up for my tour and turned in, only to find at 1am I was being woken up by some dude speaking Spanish and trying to tell me I need to get the bus at 9.10 in the morning or I`ll miss it, the girl at the desk already told me this when I booked so I dont quite understand why he felt the need to come to my dorm in the wee hours to share this info, maybe I dont want to know, and he wasn't the kind of guy you want near your bed either....shudder!
Soooo, Iguazù Falls, over 270 waterfalls which is great to look at (anyone thats only done the Brazilian side don't read more as thats all you would have done), but even move fun is to get to it thought the forest in the mother of all 4x4´s - you need a ladder to get up in the back of these bastards- a row boat ride down the river, got to see lizards, turtles, monkeys and stuff... but this is the - as we say where I come from - MUTS NUTS!
I got to go through rapids and waterfalls in a speed boat!!!
It was fantastic fun, got soaked, really bad move to wear jeans but it was so worth it, I am never going back to the ones with ores again!
Well enough of making you envious, tomorrow (after another night at El Cockroach Motel) I get to spend 29 hours on a bus..
Next stop BA.

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